Grass, ragweed, and tree pollen are high in Lexington, Kentucky, during the spring months. If you have an itchy, runny nose, watery eyes, and chronic congestion, you’re probably feeling the impact of these allergens. Take action to keep these irritants at bay so you can stay as comfortable as possible during allergy season.
Change Your Air Filter
Your HVAC system features a helpful filter that will stop pollen, dander, dust, and other allergens from circulating through the house. However, your filter won’t work indefinitely. You should replace your HVAC filter at least once every three months for the best results. If you’re suffering from serious allergies, consider changing the filter monthly during the spring season. For advanced filtration, you may want to upgrade to a product like the Trane Perfect Fit Media Filter.
Install an Air Cleaner
An air cleaner will supplement your air filter, stopping small irritating particles even more efficiently. The Trane CleanEffects system is a whole-house air cleaner that can stop a wide range of allergens and irritants including pet hair, mildew, fungus, bacteria, pollen, and more. This system improves indoor air quality by catching particles as small as 0.1 micron. It stops 99.98 percent of airborne allergens from circulating in the home.
Keep the House Clean
If you’re suffering from uncomfortable spring allergies, take extra precautions to keep your home as clean as possible. Vacuum carpets twice a week and sweep hard floors daily. Eliminate clutter throughout the home, so you’re not offering allergens a handy place to settle and hide. Cover mattresses and pillows in allergen-proof covers and launder your sheets in hot water once a week to kill dust mites. Dust once or twice a week with a damp cloth to keep flat surfaces clean.
If you’re interested in indoor air quality solutions that will prevent allergens from circulating through your house, give Stivers HVAC a call at 859-226-0809. We’ll help you choose the best air cleaner and filter for your home so you can breathe comfortably this spring.